3 Reasons to Fire Your Financial Adviser (and How to Do It)

[ad_1] It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 30 years since Jerry broke up with Gillian on Seinfeld because of her “man hands.” This continued a central theme of the show: Jerry simply could not find anyone without deal-breaking faults. There was a time in my career when I’d get excited about a “Jerry”… Continue reading 3 Reasons to Fire Your Financial Adviser (and How to Do It)

Financial red flags to look for when dating

[ad_1] (InvestigateTV) — 30% of people in the dating pool reported that they are looking for a partner who prioritizes saving money, according to a 2023 study by Bread Financial. Gardy Bloemers, a wealth management advisor with Merrill Lynch, suggested that would-be paramours also keep an eye out for other financial habits during the dating… Continue reading Financial red flags to look for when dating

40 Under 40: Daniel Colston

[ad_1] Daniel Colston, 35 / Financial Planner, Upward Financial Planning  Daniel Colston is the founder and manager at Upward Financial Planning. His entrepreneurial journey includes founding and managing Daniel’s Painting, LLC and steering the rapid growth of Upward Financial Planning to serve over 50 client households with $12 million under management. Colston’s diverse portfolio extends… Continue reading 40 Under 40: Daniel Colston

Napa investment adviser John Mills talks budgets for 2024

[ad_1] John Mills Happy New Year! January is a great time to review our budgets and make financial changes. Within the first few moments of birth, we are measured and weighed. This begins a life full of ways to be measured and graded. Job interviews, grades, tryouts, and credit scores are some ways we are… Continue reading Napa investment adviser John Mills talks budgets for 2024

7 Reasons DIY Investors Should Consider Getting a Financial Advisor in 2024

[ad_1] While improving physical health tends to top the list of New Year’s resolutions for people in their 40s and 50s, the start of a new year is also an opportune time to focus on getting your financial health in order.  As people age, their financial needs often become more sophisticated, and the tools that… Continue reading 7 Reasons DIY Investors Should Consider Getting a Financial Advisor in 2024

Fitness, finance pathways to success in 2024

[ad_1] Fitness, finance pathways to success in 2024 Updated: 8:06 PM EST Jan 2, 2024 Financial advisor Scott Wilson says making small changes you can stick to everyday can make a big difference. Financial advisor Scott Wilson says making small changes you can stick to everyday can make a big difference. [ad_2] Source link

New Year’s financial resolutions – Sterling Journal-Advocate

[ad_1] Ann Bowey For the Journal-Advocate Now that we’ve reached 2024, you might be thinking about your goals and hopes for the new year. But in addition to whatever personal resolutions you might make — volunteering, going to the gym more, learning a new language and others — why not make some financial resolutions, too? Here… Continue reading New Year’s financial resolutions – Sterling Journal-Advocate