Robo-Advisors vs. Traditional Financial Advisors: Which is right for you?


In the continually changing realm of financial services, investors encounter a pivotal choice: should they choose the automated methodology of robo-advisors or the individualized counsel of traditional financial advisors? This article seeks to offer perspectives on the advantages and drawbacks of both alternatives, assisting individuals in making well-informed decisions aligned with their distinct financial objectives and preferences.

Understanding Robo-Advisors

Robo-advisors are digital platforms that leverage algorithms and automation to manage investment portfolios. They offer a cost-effective and efficient way to invest, typically requiring lower fees compared to traditional advisors. The algorithmic nature of robo-advisors ensures that investment decisions are based on data-driven strategies and rebalancing occurs automatically.

Advantages of Robo-Advisors:

  1. Cost-Effective: Robo-advisors often charge lower fees than traditional advisors, making them attractive to cost-conscious investors.
  2. Accessibility: Investors can access their portfolios 24/7 through user-friendly online interfaces, providing convenience and flexibility.
  3. Diversification: Robo-advisors use algorithms to create diversified portfolios, spreading risk across various asset classes.

Drawbacks of Robo-Advisors:

  1. Lack of Personalization: The automated nature of robo-advisors may not cater to individuals with complex financial situations or specific preferences.
  2. Limited Human Interaction: Some investors value the personal touch and expertise that only a human advisor can provide, which may be lacking in the robo-advisor model.

Examples of Robo-Advisors:

  1. Wealthfront: Wealthfront is a popular robo-advisor that offers automated investment management services. It uses a passive investment approach, employing low-cost ETFs and tax-efficient strategies to build and rebalance portfolios.
  2. Betterment: Betterment is another well-known robo-advisor that emphasizes goal-based investing. Investors can set specific financial goals, and Betterment’s algorithms create and manage portfolios to help achieve those objectives.
  3. Robo-Advisor Apps: Various mobile apps, such as Acorns and Stash, operate as robo-advisors by rounding up everyday purchases to invest the spare change. These apps provide a simple and accessible way for individuals to start investing.

Understanding Traditional Financial Advisors:

Traditional financial advisors are human professionals who offer personalized financial guidance. They consider individual circumstances, goals, and risk tolerance to tailor investment strategies accordingly. The relationship between a client and a traditional advisor often involves regular face-to-face meetings and ongoing communication.

Advantages of Traditional Financial Advisors:

  1. Personalized Advice: Human advisors provide personalized financial planning based on individual goals and circumstances.
  2. Emotional Support: In times of market volatility or major life events, having a human advisor can offer emotional support and reassurance.
  3. Holistic Financial Planning: Traditional advisors can assist with broader financial planning beyond investment management, including retirement planning and estate planning.

Drawbacks of Traditional Financial Advisors:

  1. Higher Costs: Traditional advisors typically charge higher fees compared to robo-advisors, which can impact overall returns.
  2. Limited Accessibility: Face-to-face meetings may be inconvenient for some investors, especially those with busy schedules.

 Examples of Traditional Financial Advisors:

Merrill Lynch is a traditional financial advisory firm that provides a range of wealth management services. Clients can work with financial advisors to create personalized investment strategies, retirement plans, and other financial solutions.

Edward Jones is a full-service brokerage firm with a network of financial advisors. They offer face-to-face consultations to understand clients’ financial goals and develop tailored investment plans.

  • Independent Financial Planners:

Many independent financial planners operate as traditional advisors, providing personalized financial advice and planning services. These professionals often work closely with clients to address specific financial needs and goals.

Hybrid Model Examples:

Personal Capital combines robo-advisor features with access to human financial advisors. Clients benefit from algorithmic portfolio management and have the option to consult with a dedicated financial advisor for a more personalized touch.

  • Vanguard Personal Advisor Services:

Vanguard’s hybrid model integrates robo-advisory technology with the expertise of human advisors. Clients receive automated portfolio management along with the ability to consult with human advisors for comprehensive financial planning.

  • Charles Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium:

Charles Schwab’s hybrid model offers a robo-advisor platform coupled with access to certified financial planners for more personalized advice. Clients have the option to engage with human advisors as needed.

These examples illustrate the diversity in the financial advisory landscape, showcasing options for investors with varying preferences, from those seeking automated and cost-effective solutions to those desiring a more personalized, human-centric approach.

Examples of Financial Advisory Services in Ghana:

  • Ashfield Investment Managers:

Ashfield Investment Managers is an integrated Asset Management company that offers services such as Specialised Fund Management, Pension Fund Management, Private Wealth Management and Collective Investment Schemes.

Databank is a prominent financial institution in Ghana that provides a range of financial services, including investment advisory, asset management, and pension fund management.

InvestCorp Ghana is an investment advisory firm that offers services such as investment management, financial planning, and wealth management to individuals and businesses.

  1. CAL Brokers Limited:

CAL Brokers is a financial services company in Ghana that provides insurance brokerage, investment advisory, and asset management services.

  • Ecobank Capital Advisors:

Ecobank, a major banking group in Africa, provides financial advisory services through its investment banking arm, Ecobank Capital. They offer services such as mergers and acquisitions, project finance, and capital raising.

  • Frontline Capital Advisors:

Frontline Capital Advisors is a financial advisory firm in Ghana that offers services such as investment management, financial planning, and estate planning.


Choosing between robo-advisors and traditional financial advisors ultimately depends on individual preferences, financial goals, and the level of hands-on involvement desired. Investors seeking low-cost, automated solutions may find robo-advisors appealing, while those valuing personalized advice and a human touch may opt for traditional financial advisors. In some cases, a hybrid approach, combining the efficiency of robo-advisors with the expertise of a human advisor, could provide a balanced solution for a diverse range of investors.


Grace Quaye (PhD)

The writer is the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and Investment Advisor, Ashfield Investment Managers. She can be reached on +233246152750, E-mail   or


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